Latest Job Instrument Operator and Technician at ICCBS, University of Karachi 2024



Latest Job Instrument Operator and Technician at ICCBS, University of Karachi  2024

Non- Academic  Staff Operator and Technician required at NFC-IET Multan  

ICCBS, University of Karachi, seeks 3 Instrument Operators and Technicians on a contract basis with an M.Phil. / M.S. in Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, or Applied Physics and experience in advanced analytical instruments.

  • Job Title: Instrument Operator and Technician

    Number of Positions: 3 (On Contract)

    Qualifications and Requirements: Candidates should have an M.Phil. / M.S. degree in Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, or Applied Physics from an HEC recognized university/institution. They should have hands-on experience in operating advanced analytical instrumentation. Responsibilities include operating and maintaining various analytical instruments such as Optical Tensiometer, GPS/SEC, Electrochemical Workstation, Electrospinning Machine, DSC/TGA, BET Surface Analyzer, SEM, etc.

    Job Title: Electronic Engineer

    Number of Positions: 1 (On Contract)

    Qualifications and Requirements: Candidates should have a B.E. / B.S. degree in Electronics from a recognized university and a consistent first-class educational record. The maximum age limit is 32 years. Candidates should have a minimum of five years’ experience in the maintenance of analytical instruments used in Chemical/Biochemical Laboratories. Experience with power supplies, Thyristor controls, RF Amplifiers/Receivers, and digital Electronics is required.

    Application Process: Applications along with an attested copy of CNIC, testimonials, reprints of research publications (if any), and a copy of this advertisement must be sent to the Director, ICCBS, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270 within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. The name of the post must clearly be mentioned on the envelope.

    Address for Application Submission: Director, ICCBS, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270

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Posted Date: 21-July-2024

Important Dates To Remember

Last Date: 05-August 2024

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Operator and Technician

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Last Date To Apply

05 August 2024


Dawn Newspaper

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